
How to get through a Crisis

These are trying times. Hell, trying doesn’t even cut it.

These are TIMES. I say that through the gritted teeth of a person who was isolated with two small children, a husband, and a full time job for 80 days. 

The rollercoaster of emotions is akin to being a new parent: One minute you’re soaring like an eagle, unstoppable and the next minute you’re literally crying because your online grocery order didn’t have the bread you wanted and substituted for another and it’s the wrong bread. (#Realtalk: I am particular about bread) 

The name of this article was an invitation and you can read the whole blog (and I wish you would) but if you want me to cut to the chase I’ll do that too.

Do you want to know how to get through a crisis? You’re already doing it. 

You’re doing it. I’m doing it. We’re fucking doing it right now. Say it again now, this time in unison: We’re doing it! We’re getting through a crisis! 

Time is passing every day and will continue to pass. Things will get easier and harder again. You’ll feel happiness and despair, maybe minutes apart. Then you’ll wake up and do it all over again. 

That is in it’s very essence getting through. Time is not standing still. Time is passing and this experience will pass, too.

Don’t get me wrong, there is no minimizing your experience here. I was literally at a breaking point three days ago; absolutely flooded with emotions and grief. This experience is heavy for us to carry. The ambiguity and uncertainty are exhausting and the grief can be all consuming. 

But here’s the thing: You are resilient. You were made resilient. Your ancestors were resilient. And if you don’t think you are, well my friend, this experience will make you resilient whether you like it or not. 

If you asked me 10 years ago how resilient I was I would have said, I don’t know maybe? A full on half assed I don’t know much of an answer. But then life happened to me time and time (and time!) again and it wasn’t my choice: I became the bad ass resilient person I am today. 

(Author’s note: I have never once referred to myself as bad assed but this feels right.) 

Life forced itself on me and as painful as it was, I was becoming. Becoming who I am today.

So, as this crisis forces itself on you, who are you becoming? 

“Hope is the thing with feathers —

That perches in the soul —

And sings the tune without the words —

And never stops at all.”

This too shall pass. 

Photo by Matt Sclarandis on Unsplash

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